วันพุธที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Thai Lifestyle

In Thailand you'll discover the rich and mysterious heart of South-East Asia. In this fast developing country the people have retained much of their traditional culture whilst absorbing many western ideas.

Buddhism is practised by 95% of the population and the shaven heads and saffron robes of the monks soon become a familiar sight. Thai Buddhism is renowned for its tolerance and compassion.

Thailand is also famous for its festivals - there's at least one a month somewhere in the country! Lion dances usher in the Chinese New Year in January. Exuberant water throwing greets the Thai New Year in April. In November moonlit lakes and waterways shimmer with the floating candles of Loi Grathong - if you and your lover launch a single candle, you will be destined for each other, if not in this life, then in your next incarnation.

The language is intriguing: the grammar seems telegrammatically simple but strange sonorous vowels and subtly varying tones keep it elusive. The climate can basically be described as steamy. There are three seasons: rainy, hot, and even hotter.

The food can be hotter still and Thai chefs get through chillies by the bucketful! Rich creamy coconut milk smoothes the fire of Central Thai dishes and lemongrass, coriander, galangal and Kaffir lime leaves add subtlety whilst lime juice, garlic and (for the strong of stomach) fermented fish make their contribution to the distinctive pungency of the popular North-Eastern cuisine.

There's adventure, too. You can go trekking into hill tribe territory in the North, snorkelling and diving in the South and exploring ruined cities in the central region or crumbling Khmer temples in the North-East.
